This notebook will walk you through implementing an SGM in JAX from scratch. We will work in low dimensions where you can easily visualize the training data and the learned distributions.
I created this notebook for the "Turing Theory and Methodology Challenges Week" workshop as an introduction to SGMs.
Given access to samples $\{x_i\}$ from a target density $\mu_\text{data}$, generative models have the task to generate more samples from $\mu_\text{data}$.
Score-based generative model (SGM) do this by employing two stochastic differential equations (SDEs). The first one is called the forward SDE. It can take very general forms, but a popular choice is the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. \begin{equation} \label{diffusingprocesscont} \begin{array}{lll} \mathrm{d} X_t & = & -\frac{1}{2} X_t \mathrm{d} t + \mathrm{d} W_t,\\ X_0 & \sim & \mu_\text{data}. \end{array} \end{equation} This notebook does not require prerequisites on SDEs. We will later discretize the above SDE, which helps to interpret it.
The marginals of $X_t$ are denoted by $p_t$. The forward SDE is run until some terminal time $T$.
Furthermore, the reverse SDE for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process is given by
\begin{equation} \begin{array}{lll} \mathrm{d} Y_t & = & \frac{1}{2} Y_t \mathrm{d} t + \nabla \log p_{T - t} (Y_t) \mathrm{d} t + \mathrm{d} B_t,\\ Y_0 & \sim & q_0. \end{array} \label{reversesde} \end{equation}We refer to the marginals of $Y_t$ as $q_t$. The reverse SDE has the property that if $p_0$ is chosen to be equal to $p_T$, then $q_t = p_{T-t}$. In particular, this implies that $q_T = \pi_0$.
Therefore, if we are able to run the reverse SDE started in the distribution $q_0 = p_T$, then we can generate samples from $q_T = \mu_\text{data}$.
We cannot access the marginals $p_t$ of the forward SDE, since we do not know $p_0 = \mu_\text{data}$. This leads to the following two problems.
As you may have guessed, there are answers to the above:
It follows the lines of the article [0]. It therefore specifically treats distributions that fulfill the manifold hypothesis. That is, we assume that the data lies on a lower-dimensional submanifold. This is the case in many real-life scenarios (see the references in [0] or use your favorite search engine to research the "manifold hypothesis"). In particular, this allows us to also study the empirical distribution, which is only supported on the training data. This allows us the study generalization properties of SGMs.
[0] Score-based generative models detect manifolds, Jakiw Pidstrigach
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax
from jax.experimental.host_callback import id_print
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from jax.lax import scan
from jax import grad, jit, vmap
import jax.random as random
from functools import partial
rng = random.PRNGKey(2022)
import scipy
import seaborn as sns
cm = sns.color_palette("mako_r", as_cmap=True)
The first thing we will do is generate samples from some target manifolds. These will be used as training data. We will generate $J$ samples.
def sample_sphere(J):
2 dimensional sample
N_samples: Number of samples
Returns a (N_samples, 2) array of samples
alphas = jnp.linspace(0, 2*jnp.pi * (1 - 1/J), J)
xs = jnp.cos(alphas)
ys = jnp.sin(alphas)
mf = jnp.stack([xs, ys], axis=1)
return mf
J = 8
mf = sample_sphere(J)
plt.scatter(mf[:, 0], mf[:, 1])
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x7fba60633ca0>
We have already seen the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process before. Due to its simple form (in particular, since the drift and dispersion are linear), we do not actually need to run it to generate samples from it. We can actually evaluate the transition densities in a closed form, and they are given by a normal distribution:
$$p^O_{t|0}(x_t | x_0) = \mathcal{N}\left(\exp(-\frac{1}{2}t) x_0, (1 - \exp(-t))I\right)$$.
For numerical reasons it is often useful to change the time, i.e. instead treat $$dX_t = -\frac{1}{2}\beta_t X_t + \sqrt{\beta_t} dB_t.$$ We define $\alpha_t = \int_0^t \beta_s \mathrm{d}s$. Then the transition kernel of $X_t$ is given as $$p_{t|0}(x_t | x_0) = \mathcal{N}(m_t x_0, v_t I),$$ where
$m_t$ | $\exp(-\frac{1}{2}\alpha_t)$ | |
$v_t$ | $1 - \exp(-\alpha_t)$ | . |
We directly will implement the OU-SDE with the time-change parameters $\alpha_t$ and $\beta_t$ since they greatly impact the performance.
In particular we will employ the function $$\beta_t = \beta_\text{min} + t(\beta_\text{max} - \beta_\text{min}).$$ In this case we get $$\alpha_t = t \beta_\text{min} + \frac{1}{2} t^2 (\beta_\text{max} - \beta_\text{min}).$$ This choice of $\beta_t$ is popular in practice.
You can later play around with different choices of $\beta_t$ and $\alpha_t$ or use the above proposals and play around with $\beta_\text{min}$ and $\beta_\text{max}$. An interesting paper in that regard is [1]. We will use $$\beta_\text{min} = 0.001, \beta_\text{max} = 3.$$ In practice, $\beta_\text{max}$ is often set to $20$ for more complicated datasets.
[1] Elucidating the Design Space of Diffusion-Based Generative Models, Tero Karras, Miika Aittala, Timo Aila, Samuli Laine.
We now implement a few helper functions that we will need in future.
beta_min = 0.001
beta_max = 3
def beta_t(t):
t: time (number)
returns beta_t as explained above
return beta_min + t*(beta_max - beta_min)
def alpha_t(t):
t: time (number)
returns alpha_t as explained above
return t*beta_min + 0.5 * t**2 * (beta_max - beta_min)
def drift(x, t):
x: location of J particles in N dimensions, shape (J, N)
t: time (number)
returns the drift of a time-changed OU-process for each batch member, shape (J, N)
return -0.5*beta_t(t)*x
def dispersion(t):
t: time (number)
returns the dispersion
return jnp.sqrt(beta_t(t))
def mean_factor(t):
t: time (number)
returns m_t as above
return jnp.exp(-0.5 * alpha_t(t))
def var(t):
t: time (number)
returns v_t as above
return 1 - jnp.exp(-alpha_t(t))
We have seen above that the time-$t$ transition kernel is given as $$p(x_t | x_0) = \mathcal{N}(m_t x_0, v_t I).$$
We now assume that we have $J$ samples $\{x^j\}_{j=1}^J$ from our target distribution $\mu_\text{data}$. The empirical measure $$\hat{\mu}_\text{data} = \frac{1}{J} \sum_{j=1}^J \delta_{x_i}$$ is then an approximation to $\mu_\text{data}$. If we start the forward SDE in $p_0 = \hat{\mu}_\text{data}$, we get marginals $\hat{p}_t$, $$\hat{p}_t(x_t) = \frac{1}{J} \sum_{j=1}^J p_{t|0}(x_t | x^j),$$ which is nothing more than a Gaussian mixture with $J$ components, one for each sample $x^j$. The components are centred at $m_t x^j$ and have variance $v_t$. These empirical marginals we can evaluate (as opposed to the unknown $p_t$). Therefore we can also actually write down the empirical drift $\nabla \log \hat{p}_t$ (all though every evaluation of it needs to access the whole training set!).
from jax.scipy.special import logsumexp
def log_hat_pt(x, t):
x: One location in R^n
t: time (number)
returns the log density log \hat{p}_t(x) as described above
N = mf.shape[0]
means = mf * mean_factor(t)
v = var(t)
potentials = jnp.sum(-(x - means)**2 / (2 * v), axis=1)
# this is equivalent to
# return jnp.log(1/N * jnp.sum(jnp.exp(potentials)))
# but is numerically more stable
return logsumexp(potentials, axis=0, b=1/N)
nabla_log_hat_pt = jit(vmap(grad(log_hat_pt), in_axes=(0, 0), out_axes=(0)))
The following function helps you to plot marginals and scores.
def plot_score(score, t, area_min=-1, area_max=1):
#this helper function is here so that we can jit it.
#We can not jit the whole function since plt.quiver cannot
#be jitted
@partial(jit, static_argnums=[0,])
def helper(score, t, area_min, area_max):
x = jnp.linspace(area_min, area_max, 16)
x, y = jnp.meshgrid(x, x)
grid = jnp.stack([x.flatten(), y.flatten()], axis=1)
t = jnp.ones((grid.shape[0], 1)) * t
scores = score(grid, t)
return grid, scores
grid, scores = helper(score, t, area_min, area_max)
plt.quiver(grid[:, 0], grid[:, 1], scores[:, 0], scores[:, 1])
plot_score(nabla_log_hat_pt, 0.001, -2, 2)
Now comes the most complicated part. Implement the reverse SDE. The function signature is given below. In JAX you cannot use for
-loops, but need to replace them by other similar functions. The outer JAX-construct is already filled in, and you only need to fill in the loop body. For the time-changed OU process the reverse SDE is given by
We give a short intuitive explanation on why this SDE can be interpreted as running the above SDE backwards note that we are doing 2 things: Firstly, the drift and Brownian motion is multiplied by $-1$ to reverse the time direction. The $-1$ in front of the Brownian motion vanishes, since the Brownian Motion increments are symmetric noise and -$\mathrm{d}B_t$ has the same distribution as $\mathrm{d}B_t$.
Secondly, the term $\sqrt{\beta_t}\mathrm{d}B_t$ in the forward SDE induces the paths to "spread out" (diffuse). The same thing happens with the reverse SDE, since it also has the $\sqrt{\beta_t} \mathrm{d}B_t$. But in the reverse direction we want $Y_t$ to start in a diffused distribution ($\mathcal{N}(0, I)$) and then concentrate towards a not-diffused distribution $p_0$. Therefore, the $\beta_t \nabla \log p_t(x)$ term counteracts the diffusion, by forcing the $Y_t$ particles to high probability areas of $X_t$.
The reverse SDE is implemented using the Euler-Maryuama scheme. To advance the SDE by $\delta t$, we implement the following iteration, $$Y_{t_{i+1}} = Y_{t_i} + (t_{i+1} - t_i) \left(\frac{1}{2} \beta_{1-t} Y_{t} + \beta_{1-t} \nabla \log p_{1-t}(Y_t)\right) + \sqrt{\beta_{1-t}} Z_{t_{i+1} - t_i},$$ where $Z_{t_{i+1} - t_i}$ is a random variable with distribution $$Z_{t_{i+1} - t_i} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, Z_{t_{i+1} - t_i} I).$$ We will always run the foward SDE until time $1$. Therefore, the time interval for the backward SDE is also $[0, 1]$. We discretize this time interval into discrete times $(t_i)_{i=1}^R$, $t_0 = 0, t_R = 1$ and run the above scheme.
We will use a thousand steps of the reverse SDE since we want to showcase the continuous-time limit. In applications, one would try to reduce the number of steps. Another common change is that in the last step of the reverse SDE, one would not add the Gaussian noise anymore, to not smear out the predictions. However, for ease of exposition, we forgo these optimizations for now.
R = 1000
train_ts = jnp.arange(1, R)/(R-1)
#we jit the function, but we have to mark some of the arguments as static,
#which means the function is recompiled every time these arguments are changed,
#since they are directly compiled into the binary code. This is necessary
#since jitted-functions cannot have functions as arguments. But it also
#no problem since these arguments will never/rarely change in our case,
#therefore not triggering re-compilation.
@partial(jit, static_argnums=[1,2,3,4,5])
def reverse_sde(rng, N, n_samples, forward_drift, dispersion, score, ts=train_ts):
rng: random number generator (JAX rng)
N: dimension in which the reverse SDE runs
N_initial: How many samples from the initial distribution N(0, I), number
forward_drift: drift function of the forward SDE (we implemented it above)
disperion: dispersion function of the forward SDE (we implemented it above)
score: The score function to use as additional drift in the reverse SDE
ts: a discretization {t_i} of [0, T], shape 1d-array
def f(carry, params):
t, dt = params
x, rng = carry
rng, step_rng = jax.random.split(rng)
disp = dispersion(1-t)
t = jnp.ones((x.shape[0], 1)) * t
drift = -forward_drift(x, 1-t) + disp**2 * score(x, 1-t)
noise = random.normal(step_rng, x.shape)
x = x + dt * drift + jnp.sqrt(dt)*disp*noise
return (x, rng), ()
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
initial = random.normal(step_rng, (n_samples, N))
dts = ts[1:] - ts[:-1]
params = jnp.stack([ts[:-1], dts], axis=1)
#scan is jax version of a for-loop (can be compiled to high-performance code cheaply)
(x, _), _ = scan(f, (initial, rng), params)
return x
The following function helps you to plot the marginals at time.
def plot_heatmap(positions, area_min=-2, area_max=2):
positions: locations of all particles in R^2, array (J, 2)
area_min: lowest x and y coordinate
area_max: highest x and y coordinate
will plot a heatmap of all particles in the area [area_min, area_max] x [area_min, area_max]
def small_kernel(z, area_min, area_max):
a = jnp.linspace(area_min, area_max, 512)
x, y = jnp.meshgrid(a, a)
dist = (x - z[0])**2 + (y - z[1])**2
hm = jnp.exp(-350*dist)
return hm
#again we try to jit most of the code, but use the helper functions
#since we cannot jit all of it because of the plt functions
def produce_heatmap(positions, area_min, area_max):
return jnp.sum(vmap(small_kernel, in_axes=(0, None, None))(positions, area_min, area_max), axis=0)
hm = produce_heatmap(positions, area_min, area_max) #np.sum(vmap(small_kernel)(to_plot), axis=0)
extent = [area_min, area_max, area_max, area_min]
plt.imshow(hm, cmap=cm, interpolation='nearest', extent=extent)
ax = plt.gca()
We can now plug in the empirical drift $\nabla \log \hat{p}_t$ into the reverse SDE and run it with it. It is then the exact reverse SDE for the data distribution $p_0 = \hat{\mu}_\text{data}$. We see that we also exactly recover $\hat{\mu}_\text{data}$.
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
samples = reverse_sde(step_rng, 2, 5000, drift, dispersion, nabla_log_hat_pt)
plot_heatmap(samples[:, [0,1]], -3, 3)
We will now add a bounded perturbation the empirical score. We see that the sample distribution is now not $\mu_\text{data}$ anymore. But the error does not change the support of the distribution, it only changes the distribution on the support. In particular, the sample distribution will only output training examples, just in a different frequency:
perturbed_score = lambda x, t: nabla_log_hat_pt(x, t) + 1
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
samples = reverse_sde(step_rng, 2, 5000, drift, dispersion, perturbed_score)
plot_heatmap(samples[:, [0,1]], -3, 3)
Up to now we used the exact drifts $\nabla \log \hat{p}_t$ in our algorithm. These are the exact marginals of $X_t$ if $X_0$ is started in $p_0 = \hat{\mu}_\text{data} = \frac{1}{J} \sum_{j=1}^J \delta_{x_i}$. We again denote the distribution of $X_t$ by $p_t$ if $X_0$ is started in $p_0 = \mu_\text{data}$. Note that these are inaccessible, since we do not actually know $\mu_\text{data}$.
Instead of using the exact drifts, we will now train a Neural Network to approximate $\nabla \log \hat{p}_t$. We do this by so-called Score-Matching Techniques. The optimal loss we would like to minimize is
$$L(\theta, t) = \mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_t(x)}[\| \nabla \log p_t(x) - s_\theta(x, t)\|^2] = \mathbb{E}_{x_0 \sim \mu_\text{data}}\mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_{t,0}(x | x_0)}[\| \nabla \log p_t(x) - s_\theta(x, t)\|^2]$$which we cannot do since we do not know $\mu_\text{data}$ / cannot generate arbitrary new samples from it (if we could, we could just use these samples and would not need a SGM).
Instead, we use the following replacement loss: $$\hat{L}(\theta, t) = \mathbb{E}_{x \sim \hat{p}_t(x)}[\| \nabla \log \hat{p}_t(x) - s_\theta(x, t)\|^2] = \mathbb{E}_{x_0 \sim \hat{\mu}_\text{data}}\mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_{t,0}(x | x_0)}[\| \nabla \log \hat{p}_t(x) - s_\theta(x, t)\|^2],$$ which can be explicitly evaluated.
As we have seen above (and also proven in [0]), if $|s_\theta(x, t) - \nabla \log \hat{p}_t(x)|$ is bounded, then the SGM will actually output a distribution which is still supported on the data manifold, which is only the training examples. Or, plainly speaking, it will have memorized the training data. Therefore, even though we minimize $$\mathbb{E}_{x_0 \sim \hat{\mu}_\text{data}}\mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_{t,0}(x | x_0)}[\| \nabla \log \hat{p}_t(x) - s_\theta(x, t)\|^2],$$ we are actually hoping for the quantity we are minimizing to stay unbounded.
The evaluation of $\nabla \log \hat{p}_t$ is still very costly (it contains all the training examples). It can be shown that this objective, called explicit score matching object is equivalent to the following denoising score matching objective (see [2], Section 4.2), $$\bar{L}(\theta, t) = \mathbb{E}_{x_0 \sim \hat{\mu}_\text{data}}\mathbb{E}_{x \sim p_{t,0}(x | x_0)}[\| \nabla \log p_{t,0}(x_t | x_0) - s_\theta(x, t)\|^2],$$ Since $p_{t,0}$ is Gaussian we can fully evaluate the above gradient as $$\nabla \log p_{t, 0}(x | x_0) = \nabla \log\left( (2\pi v_t)^{-d/2}\exp(-\frac{\|x - m_t x_0\|^2}{2 v_t})\right) = -\frac{(x - m_t x_0)}{v_t}.$$
Finally, we want to optimize the network for all $t$, not just one specific $t$, and therefore define $$\bar{L}(\theta) = \mathbb{E}_{t \sim U[0, 1]}[\bar{L}(\theta, t)].$$ This loss can now be approximated by randomly choosing datapoints from the training batch (as samples from $\hat{\mu}_\text{data}$ and also randomly generating times $t \sim U[0, 1]$.) We will now first define a neural network using Flax (, and then train it using the above loss.
[2] A Connection Between Score Matching and Denoising Autoencoders, Pascal Vincent
import flax.linen as nn
class ApproximateScore(nn.Module):
"""A simple model with multiple fully connected layers and some fourier features for the time variable."""
def __call__(self, x, t):
in_size = x.shape[1]
n_hidden = 256
act = nn.relu
# t = jnp.concatenate([t - 0.5, jnp.cos(2*jnp.pi*t)],axis=1)
t = jnp.concatenate([t - 0.5, jnp.cos(2*jnp.pi*t), jnp.sin(2*jnp.pi*t), -jnp.cos(4*jnp.pi*t)],axis=1)
x = jnp.concatenate([x, t],axis=1)
x = nn.Dense(n_hidden)(x)
x = nn.relu(x)
x = nn.Dense(n_hidden)(x)
x = nn.relu(x)
x = nn.Dense(n_hidden)(x)
x = nn.relu(x)
x = nn.Dense(in_size)(x)
return x
Hyperparameters for training and model initialization. Running this cell will override the learned weights in case the model is already trained.
import optax
batch_size = 16
#some dummy input data. Flax is able to infer all the dimensions of the weights
#if we supply if with the kind of input data it has to expect
x = jnp.zeros(2*batch_size).reshape((batch_size, 2))
time = jnp.ones((batch_size, 1))
#initialize the model weights
score_model = ApproximateScore()
params = score_model.init(rng, x, time)
#Initialize the optimizer
optimizer = optax.adam(1e-3)
opt_state = optimizer.init(params)
Define a loss function and an update step. The update step basically takes the gradient of the loss function and then applies a gradient descent (or rather ADAM) step, to update the current weights with the attained gradient. The full update_step function can be jitted (compiled), making the whole process very fast.
def loss_fn(params, model, rng, batch):
params: the current weights of the model
model: the score function
rng: random number generator from jax
batch: a batch of samples from the training data, representing samples from \mu_text{data}, shape (J, N)
returns an random (MC) approximation to the loss \bar{L} explained above
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
N_batch = batch.shape[0]
t = random.randint(step_rng, (N_batch,1), 1, R)/(R-1)
mean_coeff = mean_factor(t)
#is it right to have the square root here for the loss?
vs = var(t)
stds = jnp.sqrt(vs)
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
noise = random.normal(step_rng, batch.shape)
xt = batch * mean_coeff + noise * stds
output = score_model.apply(params, xt, t)
loss = jnp.mean((noise + output*stds)**2)
return loss
@partial(jit, static_argnums=[4])
def update_step(params, rng, batch, opt_state, model):
params: the current weights of the model
rng: random number generator from jax
batch: a batch of samples from the training data, representing samples from \mu_text{data}, shape (J, N)
opt_state: the internal state of the optimizer
model: the score function
takes the gradient of the loss function and updates the model weights (params) using it. Returns
the value of the loss function (for metrics), the new params and the new optimizer state
val, grads = jax.value_and_grad(loss_fn)(params, model, rng, batch)
updates, opt_state = optimizer.update(grads, opt_state)
params = optax.apply_updates(params, updates)
return val, params, opt_state
We now train the neural network. This cell can be rerun to train the network further.
N_epochs = 10_000
train_size = mf.shape[0]
batch_size = train_size
# batch_size = 5
steps_per_epoch = train_size // batch_size
losses = []
for k in range(N_epochs):
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
perms = jax.random.permutation(step_rng, train_size)
perms = perms[:steps_per_epoch * batch_size] # skip incomplete batch
perms = perms.reshape((steps_per_epoch, batch_size))
for perm in perms:
batch = mf[perm, :]
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
loss, params, opt_state = update_step(params, step_rng, batch, opt_state, score_model)
if (k+1) % 1000 == 0:
mean_loss = jnp.mean(jnp.array(losses))
print("Epoch %d \t, Loss %f " % (k+1, mean_loss))
losses = []
Epoch 1000 , Loss 0.543068 Epoch 2000 , Loss 0.493895 Epoch 3000 , Loss 0.475762 Epoch 4000 , Loss 0.474409 Epoch 5000 , Loss 0.450042 Epoch 6000 , Loss 0.447567 Epoch 7000 , Loss 0.447468 Epoch 8000 , Loss 0.442307 Epoch 9000 , Loss 0.428227 Epoch 10000 , Loss 0.431427
We now generate samples by plugging in the trained drift into our reverse_sde
function that we have already implemented earlier. Surprisingly, even though it was trained to be equal to $\nabla \log \hat{p}_t$ it does not only recover training data. In particular, we know that the difference to the training objective $|\nabla \log \hat{p}_t - s_\theta(x, t)|$ has to be unbounded!
trained_score = lambda x, t: score_model.apply(params, x, t)
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
samples = reverse_sde(step_rng, 2, 1000, drift, dispersion, trained_score)
However, if you rerun the NN Training tab one or two more times, the approximation of $\nabla \log \hat{p}_t(x)$ gets better, and the SGM will memorize/overfit and just output training examples again. Therefore, the early stopping is a crucial implicit regularization in SGM training!
To showcase this, let us just copy-paste the training cell from above and continue the training:
N_epochs = 30_000
train_size = mf.shape[0]
batch_size = train_size
# batch_size = 5
steps_per_epoch = train_size // batch_size
losses = []
for k in range(N_epochs):
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
perms = jax.random.permutation(step_rng, train_size)
perms = perms[:steps_per_epoch * batch_size] # skip incomplete batch
perms = perms.reshape((steps_per_epoch, batch_size))
for perm in perms:
batch = mf[perm, :]
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
loss, params, opt_state = update_step(params, step_rng, batch, opt_state, score_model)
if (k+1) % 1000 == 0:
mean_loss = jnp.mean(jnp.array(losses))
print("Epoch %d \t, Loss %f " % (k+1, mean_loss))
losses = []
Epoch 1000 , Loss 0.381477 Epoch 2000 , Loss 0.378971 Epoch 3000 , Loss 0.359203 Epoch 4000 , Loss 0.361598 Epoch 5000 , Loss 0.373241 Epoch 6000 , Loss 0.363755 Epoch 7000 , Loss 0.370942 Epoch 8000 , Loss 0.380243 Epoch 9000 , Loss 0.367945 Epoch 10000 , Loss 0.370489 Epoch 11000 , Loss 0.362878 Epoch 12000 , Loss 0.358997 Epoch 13000 , Loss 0.366488 Epoch 14000 , Loss 0.362778 Epoch 15000 , Loss 0.349705 Epoch 16000 , Loss 0.372878 Epoch 17000 , Loss 0.354509 Epoch 18000 , Loss 0.368619 Epoch 19000 , Loss 0.366718 Epoch 20000 , Loss 0.363335 Epoch 21000 , Loss 0.369207 Epoch 22000 , Loss 0.367098 Epoch 23000 , Loss 0.371303 Epoch 24000 , Loss 0.367577 Epoch 25000 , Loss 0.355797 Epoch 26000 , Loss 0.344280 Epoch 27000 , Loss 0.358146 Epoch 28000 , Loss 0.354443 Epoch 29000 , Loss 0.361874 Epoch 30000 , Loss 0.358426
trained_score = lambda x, t: score_model.apply(params, x, t)
rng, step_rng = random.split(rng)
samples = reverse_sde(step_rng, 2, 1000, drift, dispersion, trained_score)
we are training on